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10 Signs You May Suffer From A Hormonal Imbalance
Have you noticed that something isn’t quite right with your body? There are times when fatigue or bloating are unavoidable. You might feel depressed regardless of what you do. People’s hormones are influenced by a variety of factors, and it is not always obvious which one is to blame when experiencing symptoms.
Extreme PMS
Are your mood swings out of control? If you feel sad and irritable for no apparent reason. Premenstrual syndrome, or PMS, isn’t very fun, and hormones play a part. PMS is caused by a decrease in estrogen and progesterone that occurs during the second half of the cycle. Serotonin levels are critically affected by estrogen and progesterone levels because of the decrease in the production of serotonin, the neurotransmitter responsible for mood stabilization.
An imbalance in hormones can result in unexplained fatigue since hormones play an important role in energy levels. In particular, an underactive thyroid can leave you feeling extremely tired. It can also be harder to fall asleep when progesterone is depleted.
Sleep problems
Researchers have found that women with low estrogen levels are more likely to suffer headaches. High blood pressure is also caused by imbalances in progesterone and thyroid hormones.
Low sex drive
An abnormally low level of testosterone can lead to a reduction in libido. Low levels of estrogen are also associated with decreased sex drive among women. Other factors such as stress also effect low sex drive but balancing your hormones should help in the area.
Irregular periods
Periods that do not follow a 28-day cycle can be caused by low estrogen levels and thyroid hormone problems. Women who enter the perimenopause phase experience increased irregularity, and their periods become more unpredictable.
Fluctuations in Weight
If you have trouble controlling your weight despite exercising regularly and monitoring your caloric intake, you should get your hormone levels checked. It is unclear how hormones affect weight, but ghrelin, cortisol, insulin, thyroid hormone, and leptin may all play a role. One imbalance with any of these can throw a weight loss program off track.
Brain fog
Many hormones can contribute to the feeling of not being able to think clearly, including cortisol, insulin, estrogen, and testosterone. It feels as if you a walking slow motion through a fog and your reactions are slower. This can also be related to anxiety.
Mood swings
Hormones such as norepinephrine, epinephrine, testosterone, and oxytocin affect our moods, so it is not surprising that fluctuating hormone levels can cause emotional swings of varying degrees.
It has been found that women with low estrogen levels are more prone to headaches. In addition to cortisol imbalances, progesterone and thyroid hormone imbalances can also lead to high blood pressure. .
Food cravings
The menstrual cycle and hormonal fluctuations can stimulate cravings for sweets and carbohydrates, according to studies. Hormones associated with stress can also contribute since they signal your body that more energy is needed to fight perceived stress. Your body attempts to repeat the temporary feelings of satisfaction you experience when eating certain foods by releasing “pleasure” hormones like dopamine.
Perhaps hormones are out of balance. Finding out what’s going on, however, can cause a lot of stress. Chat to the experts who can help. Call The T Clinic today.
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